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Back in the late 90's, as a system administrator I saw a need to use some remote testing tools, but most of these sites concentrated on only ping or traceroute, so I decided to conjur up some perl code to do a number of different tests, over the years stuffs been added and taken away, even improved, it was also about teaching ourself better perl, it ran for many years as which became popular by some other system admins who work for ISP's and Hosting, able to verify paths between them and here. Things did change however after I left my employer at the time who graciously allowed me to host my server containing this and other private sites as well as email etc in his data centre, and then in our racks in an internet exchange, moving from fibre speeds to DSL speeds caused a lot of the tests to return higher RT's, so usage died off alot to what it once was, thankfully technology improved and even home broadband is more than fast and reliable enough these days.

During the late 2000's I think it was, I came across zonecheck that did a lot of cool domain DNS based checks, but it was written in ruby - which I know nothing about, hehe still don't, but I managed to fudge it enough to make some tiny changes outside of the base code, this ran as a sub of ITS for a number of years, at some point later, I noticed the site was a parking page on its registrars site, Zonechecks author if he did control it once (can't recall but I'm sure he was and never .org) if he did, he allowed it to die off, since my investigation showed this registrar had it for a couple years, and he has never contacted me in the years since.

One day some time later in 2013 I noticed the domain was vacant so snapped it up, I liked the name and it seemed appropriate for everthing here. Moving forward, I aliased to and ran it that way for some time before swapping the aliasing, ITS was now an alias of, and modifying the main page so that it had links to ITS's tools, not the other way as previously.

We're in the tardis nearing the end of our journey, we've reached June 2021, zonecheck had for some time in the wild been replaced by zonemaster. I was thinking about redesigning the website with a cleaner look, so it appeared at the right time, I installed zonemaster and liked it, much cleaner, but due to its javascript design I could not make custom edits with headers etc like zonecheck so kept zonemaster in a subdir, replaced the old zonecheck based main page with the new look and that's what you get today.

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